Harry Potter Day in Sandwich

In anticipation of the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the town of Sandwich was transformed into Diagon Alley.

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Ride the Knight Bus The Minister of Magic opens the event An eager crowd at the Ministry
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A Marauder's Map A trio of Harry Potter fans in Hogwarts robes Fang
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Ginny and Mrs. Weasley A Young Harry Moaning Myrtle
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Activities outside the library One of the children's librarians The winning bookmark
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Hedwig A magical display case in the library The children's librarian and friends
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The Shrieking Shack The Womping Willow Draco Malfoy and company
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Professor Lupin Vicky from Titcomb's Bookshop sports a Harry Potter day teeshirt Hagrid
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Warm scones and tea were served at the Dunbar Tea Room Ready for the Quidditch Match The opposing side
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All aboard the Wizard Express A display of glow-in-the-dark glass at The Glass Studio on Cape Cod Wands and a remembrall
A glowing goblet